Counseling is a great way to help your teenager work through the troubles they experience in life. However, knowing if they need professional help can be challenging. As a parent, you may be reluctant to take your teen to a stranger.


You may sometimes want to wait and see if the problem resolves on its own. However, the earlier you seek help, the better it is for your child. If you do not address their issues, they will worsen. Read on to learn the signs your teenager needs counseling.


Sudden Drop in Academic Performance


A significant drop in grades from one semester to another is a sign of a problem. Sometimes, dropping in one course could mean it was challenging. However, a shift that appears more meaningful could mean that your teen is experiencing problems. A therapist can help improve the situation to help your child get back on track while in school.




Grieving for teenagers can be challenging. A fallout in friendship, a breakup, or losing a loved one can trigger great grief. A therapist can help them sort out their feelings, make sense of what they have lost, and cope with their grief.




Teenagers today experience so much stress. Some things could trouble them, like academic or sports performance. Social fitting, bullying, and shifting friendships can burden them emotionally. Counseling is a great solution to help them have life skills that can help them manage stress in their current and future life.



Major Life Events


Transitions in life are never easy. Sometimes, the defenses inside us can tolerate the changes. However, there are also instances where it becomes difficult to cope with everything around. Your teenager may not be strong enough to handle some transitions in life. Counseling can help reduce the anxiety they experience in such situations so they can live happily and have a fulfilled life.


Risky Behavior


If you notice your teen engaging in the following, they need counseling:


  • Dangerous driving

  • Alcohol and drug abuse

  • Sexual behavior

  • Tobacco use


Teenagers who display behaviors that could cause harm to themselves need professional help. High-risk behaviors that cause violence or unintentional injuries are a cause for concern.


Significant Changes in Sleeping and Eating Habits


Sudden changes in habit or routine can show that your teen is struggling with something. It should be a concern if you notice they are gaining or losing weight fast. Sleeping more than they would or struggling to sleep is also concerning. All these could be signs of depression.




Challenges like mood disorders, anxiety, and depression can cause isolation. Your teen can feel alone and scared to talk to a family member or friend when they experience such emotions. Your child may struggle to open up to you, regardless of how supportive you will be. Depression can cause them to lose interest in fun or interactive activities. They are also likely to get ridiculed or judged because of avoiding social settings.


Extreme Mood Swings 


Most teenagers have mood swings due to hormonal fluctuations. But when such mood swings become extreme and dramatic, you may need professional help. Sometimes, such symptoms could be a sign of bipolar disorder.


Obsession With Death


A teenager obsessed with suicidal thoughts and talks is a sign of danger. Wanting to die or often talking about it is a cry for help. Parents who notice such signs should seek professional counseling for their teenagers. Doing so can help get them in the proper headspace and save their lives.


For more about teenage counseling, welcome to Comprehensive Counseling Services, LLC. Call (850) 688-2244 to book an appointment today.

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